Friday, June 16, 2006

Dealing With Violence in Iraq , Afghanistan & the Palestinian Territories

Situation in Iraq
Iraqis had the hard luck of being in constant crises from the start of the Iran-Iraq War, the economic embargo following Kuwait invasion by Saddam. Their economic hardship has become coupled by continuous violence, which replaced Saddam’s repressive measures. Iraqi need security. Without it, any economic project like electricity or water pipes can be vandalised by insurgents or criminals.
The situation in Iraq is everybody’s responsibility. People in responsibility from top to bottom should have clean hands. All must do away with corruption and violence. The wealth of Iraq, especially, oil must equitably be shared by the Iraqis regardless of geographical situations. National security can be achieved through national trust between the different sections of Iraqi society. As Iraq is made of Shiva, Sunni and Kurds, these sections should have practical autonomy within national unity. But continuing to wrangle about the style of government indefinitely will make Iraq permanently unstable.
As we say, God helps he who helps himself. Iraqis can't continue depending utterly on outside help - foreign forces for their security or the good intentions of their neighbours. They should have good intentions towards one another and defend their security as one nation.

Situation in Afghanistan
Afghanistan has been a difficult country to rule at least since the soviet invasion in the 80’s. Throughout those years of occupation, the Afghan were manipulated by foreign forces, mainly the Mujahidin under the military support of the US. After the withdrawal of the Russian and the dismantling of the Soviet Union, the Afghans were left under the rule of the Taliban who brought Afghanistan ages back, culturally and economically. So a whole generation of Afghans had little exposure to modern ways but to continuous fighting for leadership or the monopoly of drug trade. The US intervention after 9/11 did little to change the face of the whole of Afghanistan as more importance was given to particular regions like Kabul. The rest of the country kept its awkward pace in development. So it’s no wonder if there are riots – spontaneous or orchestrated -as different periods of rule – Soviet, Taliban, current American backed government – did little to make Afghanistan a stable country. It is enough to know it is one of the poorest countries with GNI per capita not exceeding US $400 where it is dangerous for foreigners to go about without being under escort.
So to fight the spread of terrorism from Afghanistan is to better the livelihood of ordinary afghan instead of letting them subject to runaway Taliban, drug lords and inefficient government that can’t survive a day without the protection of foreign forces.

The tragedy of the Palestinians is that they are at crossfire from all sides. After more than 50 years of resistance for independence, their leaders of different factions didn’t manage to come up with a national agreement of what political system they should have that preserve their unity and put them in a strong position to negotiate with the international community about the future state they should have. Isreal, which has a wide influence, especially, in Western Europe and the United States of America exploits this division to delay the setup of a Palestinian state. What has aggravated their cause is the coming of Hamas to power. But Hamas is powerless since it is not recognised by the US and Israel because of its refusal to recognise Isreal and its adopting terrorist attacks against it. This has led to the cut of help to the Palestinians, who unfortunately will continue to pay for the division between Fatah and Hamas and the refusal of Israel to recognise them as a people worthy of full independence. But the international community should consider the Palestinian territories as a disaster zone in view of the state in which it is now and send them humanitarian aid – for them not to fall in famine which can turn into a human catastrophe in the region.
Tuesday, 09 May 2006 23:19

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