Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Teenage Motherhood and Abortion

Teenage pregnancies have become worrying in Western countries because at this age girls aren't yet equipped to be mothers as they still have to equip themselves with experience and educational qualifications to face life as single or married persons.

In some third world countries where there is no minimum age for marriage, girls as young as 14 are already mothers. They are so at the expense of their education and health.

Abortion is not an easy step to take as it poses ethical dilemmas, especially from a religious point of view. The best thing as it is always is prevention. Psychological cure is sometimes hard to get as abortion in many cases is carried with a sense of guilt.

If sexual freedom is a right in many societies, it should be taken with great responsibility by parents, tutors and teenagers themselves. It shouldn’t turn out to be a spectre leading to the death of foetuses which are dispensed of as nothing less than a tumour or a cancer in the bodies that are bearing them.

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