Monday, December 03, 2007

Situtaion in Darfur

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Looney said...

It is a very sad report. The only thing that was missing from the report was China's role in bankrolling the Sudanese government as part of the oil infrastructure investments. China is probably the country most able to put pressure on the Sudan to stop the genocide and/or allow in peace keepers. The BBC's relationship with China, however, precludes reporting on that topic.

Anonymous said...

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Abdelilah Boukili said...

You are right Looney. China has great interests in Sudan because of its oil. It has no concerns for human rights in Darfur as itself has no respect for human rights. The Chinese live almost under a totalitarian regime. It's no wonder if there is a rapprochement between two regimes that violate human rights to continue existing.

Anonymous said...

Hi.I am sending a warm gretings of congratulations to the newly elect President of the US Barrack Obama.I trailed the campaign since it started. I was pleased over his speech and i am hoping that those engaged in disintigrating the world for racial reason must have now understand that its time to put all diffrences aside to make a better word. Agatha.Italy